Friday, March 09, 2007

Out Of My (Our) Hands

As the spring ministry season begins, the pace is picking up big time. Along with the pace, my stress level reached a climax this week.

I was processing that this afternoon with Andrea and my CMA coach when I realized the reason my stress level was climaxing. We have arrived at another juncture where we need God to show up more than ever. It feels real close to what those few weeks before launch felt like just over a year ago.

There is no question we are about to take another huge step out of the boat and the only hope we have of "walking on water" is God's presence and power. I am not nervous. I am not scared. I am curious to see what kind of story God will author.

I think stress arrives as I try to mentally (and emotionally) "control" the process and outcome. If there is one thing I have learned in fifteen years of ministry it is how completely out of my hands that is. All I (or the team) can do is build the rails. How fast and far the train moves is completely up to God.

We have been faithful, the best we know how, in laying down the tracks. What happens in the next twelve weeks is completely up to God. I plan to spend less time stressing and more time praying. I will invest less time worrying and more time trusting God is going to work.

I just heard the umpire say, "Play ball." If you are a part of the Journey team and reading this blog find your place on the field. We have a "game" to play!


Anonymous said...

aaaahhh control, it sneaks in us all to some measure. in the end we realize that the stress and worry that come with it are a waste of valuable energy. always,always let God be the driver...lets take our hands off the wheel and enjoy the ride! the umpire has started the game at Journey and God has put in a great lineup and we're the home team. I like our chances so let's swing for the fences!

utech said...

God is faithful.
As we continue to seek His will and direction for Journey, He will bless.