Monday, July 14, 2008

Test Driving TypePad

For the next 14 days, I'll be blogging via TypePad on a 14 day FREE trial. You can follow my updates here.

I am seriously considering the move because TypePad has a sweet app for the iPhone. I'll keep you posted. See you over at TypePad.

To Lead Others, First Lead Yourself

We are finally back from vacation and glad to be back in the saddle.

Yesterday I spoke at Journey for the first time in three weeks. The break was nice, but it sure felt great to be back in the mix. I shared the second talk in our current series: Momentum--The Art of Self-Leadership.

Early this afternoon an email popped in my inbox that was promoting a new John Maxwell article. Despite your opinion of John, he's written some really solid words on self-leadership.

Here's a link. It's worth your time.

P.S. Loving my new iPhone 3G!