Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day Parade

We spent the morning passing out bottles of water (770) and popsicles (500) at the West Chester Memorial Day parade. We could not have asked for better weather. We didn't have to ask anyone twice. With what we were charging (NOTHING!) and the early morning heat, we couldn't pass the goods along fast enough. No one was refusing our practical expression of God's love.

It was awesome to watch 60+ Journey team members serving big by sharing God's love. I was so proud of the passion and enthusiasm I saw in our team.

My favorite comment of the day was a young lady who said the following as she took a bottle of water, "I see you all everywhere!" She made my day with those words.

I plan to make sure that continues to be the case for Journey Church. I never want our community to be hidden. We will continue to challenge the "holy huddle" mentality that shapes so many churches today.

Friday, May 26, 2006


During the past year, I have become increasingly aware of the stories God is authoring around me. When I zoom out for just a moment to view what God is up to, I am amazed at the work of His masterful pen. I am going to begin to capture some of those stories in my personal offline journal (sure wish I had taken a more disciplined approach there). I am not totally sure how or if God might use them, but I do not want them to be lost.

As I prepare to close the lid on my Apple 12 inch old school Powerbook, I am overwhelmed by the story God is authoring in me. When I think about the "small" decisions that I have made over the past two years, a different choice at several junctures could have changed the whole path of my story. The decisions we make, small or big, shape our story. God, I pray you will continue to give me/us the wisdom to choose well.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Practicing Greatness

Recently, I have had this nagging sense that I need to quickly restore some discipline in a few areas of my life. With the frantic pace of life in the past year, I have allowed a few areas to simply lose the traction required to sustain a long-term run. All I needed was a push in the right direction.

That push came in the form of an email almost two weeks ago to the day. I received a leadership email that lands in my inbox a couple times a month. This particular email was advertising a new book. I do not typically respond to product purchasing opportunities in emails. However, that personal tendency gave away to a quick book purchase several days ago. I followed a few links about the book and quickly decided to pull the trigger. I am glad I did.

Practicing Greatness unpacks seven disciplines of extraordinary spiritual leaders. I am only a few pages in, but I am really digging the direction the author is taking me.

I was stunned by the opening line. The author began with an Elton Trueblood statement he heard while attending seminary, "Deliberate mediocrity is a sin." WOW. In some areas of my life, I am "guilty." I will change that.

Weekend Preparation

I spent the day like I do most Thursdays, preparing to teach at Journey on Sunday. I really enjoy the study and writing process I go through each week to prepare. I would be lying if I didn’t admit that some talks come together easier than others. This week it came together "easy."

I am really excited about the new weekend teaching series that kicks off at Journey on Sunday (series card: front/back). We’ll be talking about the new identity that comes when we make the decision to follow Christ.

The music that plays in our head and heart matters because it not only shape us, but also the life we live. I hope this new series will challenge our community’s thinking on the source of our identity and how that impacts of lives we build.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Celebration Sunday (Review)

As I mentioned last Thursday, Sunday was a day we had marked to celebrate what God has been up to the past several months. There are simply no words to describe what happen at Journey Church on Sunday. If you weren't there you missed it! The moment cannot be fully recaptured by a blog post or video. They wouldn't even begin to do it justice. The moment was truly electric!

Our kids from KidMo shared a couple of their songs. It was fun to hear Stephanie talk about the work God has been doing through this ministry area. The kids were awesome and it added to the energy of the moment.

I took a few moments to share the story behind the church. The story was interrupted with several unprovoked cheers from the congregation. It was fun to experience the energy, enthusiasm, and ownership in our new community. If you missed the moment you can listen to that piece of Celebration Sunday here.

We baptized 13 people Sunday. It was truly a powerful moment for our community. It was the perfect memorial for our Spring ministry season. After the gathering, I had several in the lobby say they would have gone forward to be baptized if I had extended the offer. What was I thinking? I suppose I was too caught up in the moment. Upside is, we already have a list of candidates for round two!

I am not totally sure how the rest of the Journey story will be written, but I do know that God is positioning Journey Church to make a huge difference in West Chester and beyond. I am glad to be on the team!

It is even more apparent now...God isn't finished with us yet!

Nike + Apple

Two of my favorites are teaming up!

I am not surprised that Apple has once again created another cutting edge product that puts them ahead of their competitors. Steve and his team are brillant!

This might just get me back in the fitness groove. It is painfully obvious I need to do something.

{Comments about Celebration Sunday will be posted soon!}

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Celebration Sunday

This weekend Journey Church will bring its spring ministry season to a close with what we are calling Celebration Sunday. It will be a moment for our community to celebrate what God has been up to the past several months.

As we head into the weekend, I keep thinking of the moment the people of Israel crossed the Jordan River into the Promise Land. When they did, God asked them to build a memorial as a reminder of the work of His hand and a promise fulfilled. They carried large boulders out of the river to build a reminder of the occasion.

This Sunday we'll be doing the same. We won't be building a memorial with large stones, but the occasion will be marked by 13 people being baptized! It is going to be a powerful moment! When I look back over my shoulder, I am overwhelmed by what God has done! I have been celebrating for weeks. Sunday will be a continuation. How great is our God!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

More Sleep?

This article is worth reading.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Our time in Louisville went very well. I am very hopeful about what can happen in and through them. It will be fun to watch God continue to author their story.

On a less important note, this was tragic!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sharing The Journey Church Story

Andrea and I will be making a day trip to Louisville, Kentucky tomorrow. We have been invited to share the Journey Church story with a launch team that is preparing to start a new church in Louisville. We are excited about sharing what God is up to in West Chester.

Here is the big idea for our talk: God not only wants to do a work through you, He wants to do a work in you. I made this statement at the first launch team gathering we held as we prepared to launch Journey Church. At the time, I didn't realize how prophetic those words were. As I look back on the short Journey Church launch story, God did a big work in our launch team. The fruit of this work was and is Journey Church. I am praying for the same kind of stirring in Louisville.

We would appreciate your prayers.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Yes, I Received The Message

On Wednesday afternoons each week, I have a conference call with several other church planting pastors from around the country. The call is meant to serve as a place of both encouragement and learning. Each call includes some time when the different church planting pastors share some stories of what is happening in their new church starts. I love to hear what God is doing in new churches around the country. I also enjoy the learning time. This time always includes some thoughts meant to challenge us to think about the different aspects of planting a new church.

Today the topic was prayer. As I held the phone to my ear, I was convicted as the conversation leader talked about the value and importance of prayer. The material being shared certainly wasn't anything I hadn't heard before. It didn't need to be. The familiar reminder served its purpose.

In the past several weeks, my prayer life has been more like a conversation in an iChat window than a personal conversation with Andrea or a friend. I know which way is more productive and which way provides fuel for my soul. I have some changes to make. I am making them as I type.