Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Fitness Update (Part 2)

In case you are wondering, I am still on the horse. I am hitting the gym several days a week and refueling with the right food. I am really beginning to see the fruit of the process. I am feeling better than I have in over two years.

Here are the highlights of my progress:

- I am approaching the 200 mile mark (I logged my first run on December 13th, 2006).
- The scale revealed a new low this morning.
- I am confident my body fat percentage is at a two year low.
- I can finally hit the weights and complete a full lifting session without fatiguing way too early.
- My mile time is way down from where I started (averaged 8:31 this morning for a 3.5 mile run).

I am excited about the warming temperatures in Ohio. I look forward to hitting the open road for my runs. The treadmill is getting old!

The part of this process I always forget is how it helps in other areas of my life. When I am doing the right things physically, it is so much easier to be right in the other areas of my life. I am glad I publicly hung myself out there. It was the push I needed.

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