Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March Madness (Continued)

The lanyard drop at LEHS was a huge hit! The students were digging them. Later that evening, I saw a random LEHS student walking into Frisch's wearing one of the Go East! Journey Church lanyards. Very cool!

We did the air freshener drop tonight at the Kroger Marketplace, Meijer, and Lowe's. I heard good reports.

Tomorrow evening we'll be buying down gas at the new Thorton's on Tylersville Rd. This is going to be a blast!

Thursday evening we'll be giving away FREE Chipotle burritos. Friday we will be passing out $5 gift cards at the Rave. We'll conclude the madness on Saturday morning by passing out blow up soccer balls at opening day of the WCSC.

So far we have touched at least 1300 people. By week's end, we'll have shared God's love with over 2,500 people!

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