Thursday, May 04, 2006

Yes, I Received The Message

On Wednesday afternoons each week, I have a conference call with several other church planting pastors from around the country. The call is meant to serve as a place of both encouragement and learning. Each call includes some time when the different church planting pastors share some stories of what is happening in their new church starts. I love to hear what God is doing in new churches around the country. I also enjoy the learning time. This time always includes some thoughts meant to challenge us to think about the different aspects of planting a new church.

Today the topic was prayer. As I held the phone to my ear, I was convicted as the conversation leader talked about the value and importance of prayer. The material being shared certainly wasn't anything I hadn't heard before. It didn't need to be. The familiar reminder served its purpose.

In the past several weeks, my prayer life has been more like a conversation in an iChat window than a personal conversation with Andrea or a friend. I know which way is more productive and which way provides fuel for my soul. I have some changes to make. I am making them as I type.


Phil St said...

Tom, very interesting to hear this, my lack of and the need for more prayer re our work here in the UK is something that I've been challenged by over the past week or so...if they're not too personal would be great to hear what changes you're making....i find it really difficult to find the time / space (both physical & head) to pray...would really love to hear what steps / principles you put in place. Still, although this isn't a get out clause, isn't it great to see what god can do even when we don't pray as we should....He truly is a gracious God who wnats us to partner with Him but who at the end of the day is Sovereign and can do great things despite our weaknesses and frailty. Keep doing the good stuff, it's great to see what God is doing with you & Journey

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom! You're blogging again! Fantastic! Great to have you back.....