Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Celebration Sunday (Review)

As I mentioned last Thursday, Sunday was a day we had marked to celebrate what God has been up to the past several months. There are simply no words to describe what happen at Journey Church on Sunday. If you weren't there you missed it! The moment cannot be fully recaptured by a blog post or video. They wouldn't even begin to do it justice. The moment was truly electric!

Our kids from KidMo shared a couple of their songs. It was fun to hear Stephanie talk about the work God has been doing through this ministry area. The kids were awesome and it added to the energy of the moment.

I took a few moments to share the story behind the church. The story was interrupted with several unprovoked cheers from the congregation. It was fun to experience the energy, enthusiasm, and ownership in our new community. If you missed the moment you can listen to that piece of Celebration Sunday here.

We baptized 13 people Sunday. It was truly a powerful moment for our community. It was the perfect memorial for our Spring ministry season. After the gathering, I had several in the lobby say they would have gone forward to be baptized if I had extended the offer. What was I thinking? I suppose I was too caught up in the moment. Upside is, we already have a list of candidates for round two!

I am not totally sure how the rest of the Journey story will be written, but I do know that God is positioning Journey Church to make a huge difference in West Chester and beyond. I am glad to be on the team!

It is even more apparent now...God isn't finished with us yet!

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