Thursday, May 11, 2006

More Sleep?

This article is worth reading.


Phil St said...

Tom, great article, especially as I sit here on a Friday evening pretty tired but knowing I've got a at least a couple of hours ahead of me. I agree with everything the article says I jsut wich I could work out how to do know the score, you're a church planter, you've got kids & a wife, how do you get the balance? How do we reconcile giving our all for God, working as hard as we can but also not wearing ourselves out and being ratbags to our friends & family 'cos we're so tired. Perhaps you don't have the answers, perhaps need to talk more off blog, would be really intrested to hear your take though as everyone I speak to seems to say the same thing...yeah I need more sleep but how do I get it and still get done what needs done?

Anonymous said...

hey wats up? its samantha renner garys renner daughter

Tom said...

Samantha: Glad you found my blog. Thanks for reading! I'll do my best to keep it interesting (should I ever get around to posting [wink]).