Friday, April 28, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me!

I bought myself a birthday present this evening. It was the new album by Marty Casey. Marty was the guy that didn't win. I was disappointed by the choice INXS made, but I knew Marty would end up with a record deal out of it. I am enjoying those tunes as I type.

My favoritie track is Trees. I don't know what it is about that tune, but I dig its vibe. I refuse to admit how many times I have listened to this one track since I pulled the album into iTunes. Don't even ask!

I still think Marty was the right choice.


Unknown said...

happy birthday dude!!!

timNardoni said...

He's hot.

LH said...

I agree with the he's hot posts. He's rising to the top without INXS.