Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day Parade

We spent the morning passing out bottles of water (770) and popsicles (500) at the West Chester Memorial Day parade. We could not have asked for better weather. We didn't have to ask anyone twice. With what we were charging (NOTHING!) and the early morning heat, we couldn't pass the goods along fast enough. No one was refusing our practical expression of God's love.

It was awesome to watch 60+ Journey team members serving big by sharing God's love. I was so proud of the passion and enthusiasm I saw in our team.

My favorite comment of the day was a young lady who said the following as she took a bottle of water, "I see you all everywhere!" She made my day with those words.

I plan to make sure that continues to be the case for Journey Church. I never want our community to be hidden. We will continue to challenge the "holy huddle" mentality that shapes so many churches today.


Tom said...

Larry: You are officially no longer a lurker. Welcome to the blogosphere.

ylmurph said...

very cool what you guys are doing!