Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Proud Mac Owner

Almost four years ago, I took a bite. I have never regretted making the change!

There are dozens of reasons why I am glad I made the switch. It isn't because I like to be different. It isn't because I prefer the sleek design of Apple products. It isn't because of the cool things my Apple products can do with photos, music, and movies.

My Apple products have simply work. Here's a
link to a few more reasons why I am proud to be a Mac owner. I have personally used all of them. Enjoy!

Please resist the temptation of coveting my toys (errr "gear").

You are welcome to come to the fold of prideful Mac users. There is always room for one more. You'll be better for it. Trust me...


Doug Hill said...

...and i can remember when you were a die hard windows user who was reluctant and skeptical of the foreign mac. :)

Tom said...

Right you are my friend...Thanks for leading the way! It's too bad that you can't get any referral money.

Randy Bohlender said...

we're not prideful. we're just not rebooting.