Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I Love Coaching

When I was a high school junior I began to sense a call to occupational ministry. I did my best to run from and fight off that calling as I raced toward graduation. I finally gave up and answered the call as a freshman at Anderson University.

My personal plan was to be a teacher/coach. I wanted to share my love for sports with high school student athletes. Although my life has taken a very different path, I never lost the passion to coach. I have enjoyed coaching my kids as they have gravitated to some of the sports I love. There is nothing like handing off a passion.

I am also enjoying a new ministry role that is developing--coaching other pastors and church planters. Most of it is unofficial, but more and more I am finding myself on the other end of an email or phone line talking to someone who is in the trenches trying to figure it out. I love digging in with them to try to advance the kingdom. It is thrilling.

In the past few months, I have worked with pastors/planters in Ohio, Missouri, Kentucky, and Alabama. Everyday I wake up stunned at what I get to do with my life. It is beyond fun!

I love ministry. I love pastoring. I love coaching.

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