Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Work On It

I have spent a great deal of time the past year "working in it" (to borrow an Andy Stanley prhase). The pace of my normal ministry week is hectic and often very chaotic. I usually find myself more reactive rather than proactive. I mean to say that I have allowed the urgent to drive my work week. I have spent way more time "working in it" than I have "working on it." It worked to get us to and one year post-launch, but I am beginning to realize that this approach will not work for the long haul. I must carve out time to not just "work in it", but to also "work on it."

I went to work this morning to carve out some important appointments with myself. In the coming months, I will spend a few hours and days like this:

1 hour a week working on it
1 day a month working on it
3 full days this year
working on it
(Our staff and leaders will also be adopting a similar approach!)

It feels good to have those appointments scheduled. The big challenge now will be keeping them. I can already see and taste the fruit this will produce!


Anonymous said...

very neat concept :)

Jonathan Hopson said...

I have found myself in situations like this many times (reactive vs proactive). Thanks for the encouragement and reminder to keep "working on it".