Friday, May 11, 2007

Thinking Systems

My apologies for my lack of action this week on the blog. I have no excuses to offer. I have found myself drawn inward the past few days as the summer months approach. The slower pace of schedule this summer will provide some space to pray and dream more--to work on it not just in it.

I will be challenging the team in a staff meeting this afternoon to think about the next 6 months in blocks of 100 days (June-August and September-November). This won't be a new approach for us, but I do think we need to more closely set and manage some measurable goals for each of our ministry areas and our church as a whole. If we aim at nothing we hit nothing. We certainly haven't been aiming at nothing, but we must continue to keep the target in view and fine tune our focus.

We are going to be specifically seeking to answer one question at our staff off-site on June 2nd: Systematically (structurally), what needs to change at Journey Church for us to push toward the 400 mark by the end of 2007? Organizations, churches and ministries must change or growth slows. In the past sixteen months, we have made shifts in our systems/structure on several fronts. I think each shift has provided the needed change to allow for more growth. As the fall approaches, our systems/structure must continue to grow as well.

I love thinking through these issues. I love praying and seeking God's heart for the road ahead. I love that I am part of a community open to change so more people can be reached and connected. I love my job. I love Journey Church.

You will definitely want to be around on Sunday. We'll be dedicating 17 18 children from 12 13 families. We will also be kicking off our new Disciples series. I will be praying that it is a life changing moment for everyone who is there. I trust you will do the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

something must be in the water at journey...17 babies being dedicated???
God Bless you and your congregation!!!
