Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Coach Training (Afternoon, Day 1)

The afternoon sessions were great. The process we are walking through and the one I'll be using as I coach others is very intentional. The whole process is built on questions. The goal is to help people discover and effectively live their God-given calling/vision/dream. I am not expected to have all the answers. I am, however, expected to help those I coach ask the right questions. I have never felt more free or empowered to come alongside others.

As the material is being shared, I am developing a list applications points that reaches into every area of my life. I was actually mentally re-writing a couple sermons I have preached in the last couple weeks (marriage/parenting) during a session this afternoon. This material is challenging (for the better!) the way I lead at Journey and at home.

Andrea has also deeply benefited from her time in Daytona. She has spent two full days on the beach. She slept in this morning and had breakfast in bed. I am thrilled we were able to experience this trip together. It has been great for both of us.

I have a full day of training tomorrow. We'll be headed to the airport at 4 p.m. We arrive in Dayton at 11:00 p.m. We'll be glad to be home.

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