Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sunday Report

Today was incredible! On the coldest day of the year so far, LEHS was buzzing as another weekend for Journey Church unfolded. I know I have said it before, but I continue to be amazed at what God is doing.

We kicked the "Stressed?" series off with a bang! Travis and the Journey House Band knocked it out of the park with their version of "Gravity" by John Mayer. It set the table for the "Money:Margin" talk perfectly! People seemed to really respond to the challenge to get financially free, build more margin, reduce stress, and live more faithfully by God's principles for managing money. Dozens responded to the 90-day challenge to live by the 5 principles that I shared today. I cannot wait to see the stories God authors as people make changes and become more free!

We had a couple dozen new faces (at least 5 households) this morning. I am beyond pleased by the way people continue to invite their friends! We were just shy of 300 at our gathering today. That is 40% more than we had on the same Sunday last year on the same weekend. The new year has brought with it a couple dozen new families who have made a church connection at Journey.

This momentum sets us up for a great Spring run!

* Photos by Nick Graham *

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