Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I was reading blogs late this evening when I came across the following quote from one of my favorite bloggers: Greatness is achieved when disciplined people engage in disciplined thought and take disciplined action. That is quite a statement coming from a man who has invested a great deal of time studying the subject.

The blog post went on to ask three engaging questions:

1. Over the last 90 days, what were your top 5 accomplishments? (big picture stuff, not, "I preached a sermon")
2. What were your top 3 priorities last week?
3. What are your top 3 priorities for this week and are you on track to reach them?

Life and ministry move at such a frantic pace most weeks, it is so easy to get lost in undisciplined movement. One of my big weaknesses right now is discipline. I have been sensing that reality with greater force recently. If Jim is right then I must not only identify the weakness, but also make the necessary changes to restore discipline. I have already added a few digital post-it notes to my computer to move in a new direction. I am making applications as I type!


Randy Johnson said...

This is cool Tom. My lack of discipline at times in my life has only served to ROB me. Funny you bring this up. I started a devotional blog separate from my own for times when I have something I think needs to be said. My first post was on this subject:

Tom said...

Good stuff bro!