Thursday, April 27, 2006


I apologize that I haven't kept pace with this blog. I could offer a list of excuses, but that would not be good enough. If I am going to have a blog then I need a more disciplined approach to add content to its pages. I offer my sincere apology and make the commitment to do a more faithful job. Cool?

With the Easter season behind, May promises to be a busy month on both the home and ministry front. I didn't realize how crazy the evenings would be with two kids involved in sports (Tytus in baseball/Hannah in soccer). There are days when even two parents do not seem to be enough. Juggling schedules has been a circus act the past few weeks. However, I am loving watching the kids enjoy their chosen sports and teams.

May will be a fun month around Journey Church. We are planning a baby dedication on Mother's Day (May 14th) and a baptism on what we are calling Celebration Sunday (May 21st). Celebration Sunday is a day at Journey Church where we'll be celebrating the birth of a new church in West Chester. God has authored some amazing stories in the past 15 weeks and we felt a day to celebrate was in order! It is going to be a blast to throw a party over what God has been up to!

A moment of honest confession: I am still amazed at the way God is moving at Journey Church. A few months ago, I stood before a faithful group of 40 adults (our launch team) and painted a picture of what I sensed God might be up to as Journey launched on Sunday January 15th. It has been a blast to watch God author a story beyond the one I painted.

In eleven plus years of church planting, there were so many times when I wanted to pack the car and drive away. I am so glad I didn't. I simply never felt that release. Now I see why. God wasn't finished with us yet!

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