Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Self Discovery

I realized something about myself during the past couple weeks. As much as I love a routine, I am better when I am creating something new. Let me explain...

I really do enjoy having a weekly, monthly, and yearly routine. I work best that way. There is a part of my personality that responds well to routine. However, I know that with routine comes the potential danger of leading one to a rut. What I am realizing with a new intensity is that I don't respond well in a rut. I know there is a fine line between two, but a rut means stale for me.

Recently, I have found myself enjoying a couple new ministry areas (read more about one here) that require a fresh level of creativity. I have found it invigorating!

The self discovery is simple: I am better when I am creating something new.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I listened this morning at work on my ipod nano :)
Very cool! I'm looking forward to the next podcast
Keep up the creativity :)

April B