Saturday, May 19, 2007

L'Ville Update

I made it safely to Louisville early this afternoon. I checked into my room and quickly headed to dinner with a pastor friend of mine who is planting a church here in Louisville. We enjoyed a great burrito and conversation together.

The conference kicked off this evening in a big way. The worship was solid. Both keynote speakers hit home runs!

I am so pumped about sharing in this moment tomorrow. In the past year and a half, God has authored an amazing story at Journey Church and I cannot wait to share it! I am praying it will be a source of encouragement to all the planters that are here.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Road Trip

I am headed out of town again late this week. I will be headed south early Friday afternoon. It will be a quick over night trip to Louisville, Kentucky. I have been asked to speak in two sessions at a church planters conference that is being held down there this weekend. I plan to be back in Cincinnati by 4:30 p.m. on Saturday. That should be just in time to get to the ball park. The Journey men's softball team is playing in an evening tournament.

I spent the biggest part of the day yesterday finishing the notes for my main session. I was given the topic the following topic--"Nuts and Bolts: Real Stories From The Church Planting Journey." I am really excited about the content I have pulled together. During the second session, I will be part of a panel discussion.

I am pumped about sharing in this event! I love church planting. I love church planters. I am sure it will be big fun!

Birthday Wishes!

My baby turns seven today. Happy Birthday Hannah!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Thinking Systems

My apologies for my lack of action this week on the blog. I have no excuses to offer. I have found myself drawn inward the past few days as the summer months approach. The slower pace of schedule this summer will provide some space to pray and dream more--to work on it not just in it.

I will be challenging the team in a staff meeting this afternoon to think about the next 6 months in blocks of 100 days (June-August and September-November). This won't be a new approach for us, but I do think we need to more closely set and manage some measurable goals for each of our ministry areas and our church as a whole. If we aim at nothing we hit nothing. We certainly haven't been aiming at nothing, but we must continue to keep the target in view and fine tune our focus.

We are going to be specifically seeking to answer one question at our staff off-site on June 2nd: Systematically (structurally), what needs to change at Journey Church for us to push toward the 400 mark by the end of 2007? Organizations, churches and ministries must change or growth slows. In the past sixteen months, we have made shifts in our systems/structure on several fronts. I think each shift has provided the needed change to allow for more growth. As the fall approaches, our systems/structure must continue to grow as well.

I love thinking through these issues. I love praying and seeking God's heart for the road ahead. I love that I am part of a community open to change so more people can be reached and connected. I love my job. I love Journey Church.

You will definitely want to be around on Sunday. We'll be dedicating 17 18 children from 12 13 families. We will also be kicking off our new Disciples series. I will be praying that it is a life changing moment for everyone who is there. I trust you will do the same.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Teaching In Series

For the past sixteen months at Journey Church, I have taught in series format. I have taken one topic and tried to unpack it over three to six weeks. I love teaching in a series format for several reasons:

1. It allows me to hammer home one BIG idea over several weeks. Less really is more.
2. I love the way each talk is either connected or builds on the other. This allows me to say more in a shorter amount of time.
3. It provides an easy way to review, review, review. What gets repeated has a better chance of being remembered and learned.
4. It creates short journeys for our community to take together. Everyone wants to go somewhere. Each series is designed to lead our community to a certain "place."

These thoughts were on my mind today as I was prepping for Sunday's talk. This one will be the last talk in our Exposed series. It has been a powerful journey. This series has generated more feedback than any we have done. It's been fun!

Sunday's talk is Addiction [Exposed]. This will be a difficult topic to address due to the time limitations. I have clarity on what God wants shared. I can't wait for Sunday!

I am kind of sad the journey has to end. Good news is, a new series begins next weekend and the process starts all over again. I can't believe I get to do this for a living. What a ride!

The Eagle Has Landed

We are home!

Have I mentioned how much I hate flying? Man, was I glad to hear the tires of our plane finally hit concrete in Dayton. I love what an airplane is able to accomplish in a short amount of time, but I spend most of the moments in the air a nervous wreck.

I'll wake early in the a.m. to two full days as I head into a busy weekend. I feel energized.

I am jazzed about bringing our Exposed series to a close. You will definitely want to be around!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Headed Home

I'm sitting in the Atlanta airport waiting to catch our connecting flight to Dayton. I am glad to be headed home. I missed the kids and my normal routine.

The training finished strong today. We took the afternoon sessions and put some of new tools into action. It was fun immediately applying what we learned in some real coaching situations.

On the way home, I crafted a couple emails to the guys I'll be coaching over the next six months. These first couple of coaching relationships will be part of my training. I am really excited about getting this new edge to my ministry rolling. I see each coaching relationship as an extension of Journey Church's influence. It is thrilling to watch God expand the reach of our community!

I always dreamed I would be a coach. I have seen that dream become a reality on many levels. I have enjoyed coaching Ty's teams. I have also enjoyed "coaching" others as I have pastored the past sixteen years. Coaching and pastoring aren't too far apart. I am thrilled about coming along side other pastors to help them realize their God-given dreams. I look forward to watching God author some really cool stories.

Coach Training (Morning, Day 2)

We finished the coaching process training this morning. Solid stuff!

We also spent some time this morning working through the DISC profile and how that applies to the coaching relationship. It was an eye opening experience on multiple levels--personally (at home/at Journey) and what it will mean for me as I coach others.

It has been a very productive three days.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Coach Training (Afternoon, Day 1)

The afternoon sessions were great. The process we are walking through and the one I'll be using as I coach others is very intentional. The whole process is built on questions. The goal is to help people discover and effectively live their God-given calling/vision/dream. I am not expected to have all the answers. I am, however, expected to help those I coach ask the right questions. I have never felt more free or empowered to come alongside others.

As the material is being shared, I am developing a list applications points that reaches into every area of my life. I was actually mentally re-writing a couple sermons I have preached in the last couple weeks (marriage/parenting) during a session this afternoon. This material is challenging (for the better!) the way I lead at Journey and at home.

Andrea has also deeply benefited from her time in Daytona. She has spent two full days on the beach. She slept in this morning and had breakfast in bed. I am thrilled we were able to experience this trip together. It has been great for both of us.

I have a full day of training tomorrow. We'll be headed to the airport at 4 p.m. We arrive in Dayton at 11:00 p.m. We'll be glad to be home.

Coach Training (Morning, Day 1)

The morning sessions have been solid. When I was growing up, I wanted to be a coach (basketball/baseball). I ended up being a pastor/church planter. Over the years, I have realized more and more the two (coaching/pastoring) aren't that far apart. This week is taking that to a new level. I not only feel honored to be in this select group of Church of God pastors, but I am also jazzed about the future coaching opportunities it will open up.

Luke has a great post on a book he just finished. The gems are worth reading and will be relevant to those who have been following the Exposed series. Read here.